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Question regarding Alert file ExtendedHelpText and DDHelpText elements

I have been tasked with implementing some additions to a device EDD. One of the requests was to add further information regarding alerts to the ExtendedHelpText and DDHelpText  elements of the alert definition file. An example is given below,

          <AlarmString>Valve Position Low Limit Exceeded</AlarmString>
          The valve position is below the low limit. (Disabled with a 0% value).
          The valve position is below the low limit. (Disabled with a 0% value).

After attempting to test the additions with AMS12 Alert Monitor I came to the conclusion that AMS12 Alert Monitor does not use the ExtendedHelpText and DDHelpText elements.

After a quick search it seems that AMS Analyze uses the DDHelpText. Would someone happen to know of other systems that are making use of these elements ?

Thanks in advance for any responses.