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how to log a click on the mute button on the alarm banner from a workstation

I need to know which workstation has pressed the mute button for any alarm and what time, as far as I'm aware there is not a setting change to allow this.

acknowledging alarms is logged but not pressing the mute button

the only way I can imagine this working is I will have to create a module, where a click on the mute button will change a parameter and this will log in the event log.

my question is where in the script for the alarm banner/mute button do I make changes and what does the expression look like?

thanks in advice

4 Replies

  • Looking into this further, if I were to create a module with parameters that can be written/changed then this would log
    but to do this I think I would have to write something into the script for the mute button, and this I do not know how to do, perhaps using frs.write somehow
  • We had some similar issues with operations muting the alarm horn when we first started with DeltaV. Our fix was to modify the alarm banner in the standards folder of the operate configure mode and remove the horn mute button. We now only have the alarm horn acknowledge button and the alarm acknowledge button. They do not have the option to mute the horn as the button is no longer available to them on the graphics.
  • In reply to neil redfearn:

    Thanks Neil, we've considered this, but ideally we'd just like to know which workstation muted the alarm and when, removing the option altogether is our last step, at the moment we have the operator only acknowledging the alarm he is responsible for, the ability to mute is integral to that.
  • In reply to Lee W.:

    I suggest you create your own schedule and add an On Change event that monitors DVSYS.THISUSER/HORN.F_HENAB and runs a custom script when the value changes. The script can write to a parameter in a module and then you can apply a Log level alarm to the parameter to log an entry in Event Chronicle. You could add something to the code behind the horn disable button but that means changing the alarm banner.

    We have a system that activates an external alarm horn if the operator does not silence the alarm within a certain period. The details are as follows. You can probably adapt this to your requirements.

    In a custom scedule, an on change event entry monitors DVSYS.THISUSER/HORN.F_CV This activates a Custom script which runs a procedure UpdateHorn which contains the following code:

    Sub UpdateHorn()
    'Updates horn parameter in GLOB_HORN module
    'Launched by HornChange event, fired when "THISUSER/HORN.F_CV" changes
    Dim strHornVal As String, lngHornVal As Long, strWSName As String
    strWSName = frsGetComputerName()
    'Note value may be negative at first read so use Abs
    lngHornVal = Abs(Val(frsreadvalue("THISUSER/HORN.F_CV")))
    'Change new priorities to old Horn numbers
    Select Case lngHornVal
    Case 4 To 7
    strHornVal = "3"
    Case 8 To 11
    strHornVal = "2"
    Case 12 To 15
    strHornVal = "1"
    Case Else
    strHornVal = "0"
    End Select
    'IntErrMode = prevents WriteValue handling error
    'On error resume next prevents error passing up call stack
    On Error Resume Next
    WriteValue strHornVal, "DVSYS.GLOB_HORN/" & strWSName & "_HORN.F_CV", 1
    End Sub

    This writes the priority of the alarm to either parameter WS1_HORN, WS2_HORN or WS3_HORN depending on which workstation the horn was activated. These parameters are in module GLOB_HORN.

    I seem to remember that the action of writing to the parameter generated an Event Log entry so you might not need to add a log alarm to your parameters. In our case we had to put the module GLOB_HORN in an area not assigned to alarms and events, to avoid having unnecessary events every time the operator silenced an alarm.