  • Advancing Combustion Control Efficiency

    Controlling industrial combustion-based units such as boilers, heaters and furnace has historically relied on the use of fuel-to-air curves. These curves represent the amount of fuel and air required for a given load. In this 4:28 video, Patented Combustion Solution From Emerson Improves Performance , Emerson’s Bob Sabin describes how stoichiometric, math-based control approach from common measurements typically found…
  • Advancing Combustion Control Efficiency

    Controlling industrial combustion-based units such as boilers, heaters and furnace has historically relied on the use of fuel-to-air curves. These curves represent the amount of fuel and air required for a given load. In this 4:28 video, Patented Combustion Solution From Emerson Improves Performance , Emerson’s Bob Sabin describes how stoichiometric, math-based control approach from common measurements typically found…
  • Positioner Pneumatic Pressure Bleed in Throttling Control Valves

    With the emphasis on improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, process manufacturers have turned to pneumatic low-bleed and zero-bleed valve positioners. Emerson’s Riyaz Ali copied me on an email about a recent article that mentioned a zero-bleed valve positioner. Riyaz noted that positioners mounted on valves used in throttling applications need to be dynamic in operation. He gave an example…
  • Positioner Pneumatic Pressure Bleed in Throttling Control Valves

    With the emphasis on improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, process manufacturers have turned to pneumatic low-bleed and zero-bleed valve positioners. Emerson’s Riyaz Ali copied me on an email about a recent article that mentioned a zero-bleed valve positioner. Riyaz noted that positioners mounted on valves used in throttling applications need to be dynamic in operation. He gave an example…
  • Accurate Level Measurement for Efficient & Reliable Boiler Performance

    If you’re unfamiliar with the phrase “ heat rate ” used in the electrical power generation industry, it means the amount of heat energy in BTUs as input to the turbine generators divided by the amount of electricity generated in kilowatts. Accurate level measurement in the boiler drums and feedwater heaters is critical to optimize efficiency and run the turbines reliably over time. Matt Brummer Level Product Specialist…
  • Accurate Level Measurement for Efficient & Reliable Boiler Performance

    If you’re unfamiliar with the phrase “ heat rate ” used in the electrical power generation industry, it means the amount of heat energy in BTUs as input to the turbine generators divided by the amount of electricity generated in kilowatts. Accurate level measurement in the boiler drums and feedwater heaters is critical to optimize efficiency and run the turbines reliably over time. Matt Brummer Level Product Specialist…
  • Impressions from CERAWeek 2017

    CERAWeek is “…the premier annual international gathering of energy industry leaders, experts, government officials and policymakers, leaders from the technology, financial, and industrial communities – and energy technology innovators.” I’ll be here this week in Houston, Texas to bring some of the themes and concerns by those involved in energy. The Twitter hashtag #CERAWeek provides a real-time steady stream of news…
  • Impressions from CERAWeek 2017

    CERAWeek is “…the premier annual international gathering of energy industry leaders, experts, government officials and policymakers, leaders from the technology, financial, and industrial communities – and energy technology innovators.” I’ll be here this week in Houston, Texas to bring some of the themes and concerns by those involved in energy. The Twitter hashtag #CERAWeek provides a real-time steady stream of news…
  • Optimizing Energy Usage in Multi-Fuel Boilers

    Steam is a critical part of many process manufacturing processes and the energy to produce it can be a significant source of operational costs. I recently caught up with process automation hall-of-fame member Greg McMillan and Emerson’s Scott Pettigrew at the Emerson Exchange conference here in Austin. Greg and Stan Weiner had recently interviewed Scott in a article, Boilers as fast as can be . …
  • Optimizing Energy Usage in Multi-Fuel Boilers

    Steam is a critical part of many process manufacturing processes and the energy to produce it can be a significant source of operational costs. I recently caught up with process automation hall-of-fame member Greg McMillan and Emerson’s Scott Pettigrew at the Emerson Exchange conference here in Austin. Greg and Stan Weiner had recently interviewed Scott in a article, Boilers as fast as can be . …
  • Optimizing Energy Usage in Multi-Fuel Boilers

    Steam is a critical part of many process manufacturing processes and the energy to produce it can be a significant source of operational costs. I recently caught up with process automation hall-of-fame member Greg McMillan and Emerson’s Scott Pettigrew at the Emerson Exchange conference here in Austin. Greg and Stan Weiner had recently interviewed Scott in a article, Boilers as fast as can be . …
  • Optimizing Energy Usage in Multi-Fuel Boilers

    Steam is a critical part of many process manufacturing processes and the energy to produce it can be a significant source of operational costs. I recently caught up with process automation hall-of-fame member Greg McMillan and Emerson’s Scott Pettigrew at the Emerson Exchange conference here in Austin. Greg and Stan Weiner had recently interviewed Scott in a article, Boilers as fast as can be . I…
  • Optimizing Energy Usage in Multi-Fuel Boilers

    Steam is a critical part of many process manufacturing processes and the energy to produce it can be a significant source of operational costs. I recently caught up with process automation hall-of-fame member Greg McMillan and Emerson’s Scott Pettigrew at the Emerson Exchange conference here in Austin. Greg and Stan Weiner had recently interviewed Scott in a article, Boilers as fast as can be . …
  • Steam Management and Optimization

    At the Emerson Exchange conference in Austin, Emerson’s Jim Dunbar presented Steam Management and Optimization. His abstract: Sipchem facility includes utility plant supplying steam to seven downstream production plants. Utility plant was struggling with reliability issues that had caused a ripple effect throughout the entire facility causing significant production loss. SipChem consulted Emerson and based on recommendations;…
  • Steam Management and Optimization

    At the Emerson Exchange conference in Austin, Emerson’s Jim Dunbar presented Steam Management and Optimization. His abstract: Sipchem facility includes utility plant supplying steam to seven downstream production plants. Utility plant was struggling with reliability issues that had caused a ripple effect throughout the entire facility causing significant production loss. SipChem consulted Emerson and based on recommendations;…
  • Identifying Energy Saving Opportunities

    Last week in a post, Reducing Demand Charges in Energy Bills , we highlighted the opportunity for process manufacturers and producers to optimize energy costs. Today, we’ll look at how to better identify these opportunities for energy savings. Emerson’s Bill Thackston explained to me that even in these current times of low energy prices that it is worth another look at your bill, comparing your year on year demand…
  • Identifying Energy Saving Opportunities

    Last week in a post, Reducing Demand Charges in Energy Bills , we highlighted the opportunity for process manufacturers and producers to optimize energy costs. Today, we’ll look at how to better identify these opportunities for energy savings. Emerson’s Bill Thackston explained to me that even in these current times of low energy prices that it is worth another look at your bill, comparing your year on year demand…
  • Reducing Demand Charges in Energy Bills

    The cost of electrical power has grown more complex over time. It used to be that your kilowatt-hours (kwh) consumed were tallied to arrive at the cost. As the metering has grown more sophisticated, variable rates have emerged based on peak energy usage, time of day, usage thresholds and more. I connected with Emerson’s Bill Thackston to learn about a meeting he recently attended on energy management information systems…
  • Reducing Demand Charges in Energy Bills

    The cost of electrical power has grown more complex over time. It used to be that your kilowatt-hours (kwh) consumed were tallied to arrive at the cost. As the metering has grown more sophisticated, variable rates have emerged based on peak energy usage, time of day, usage thresholds and more. I connected with Emerson’s Bill Thackston to learn about a meeting he recently attended on energy management information systems…
  • Reducing Demand Charges in Energy Bills

    The cost of electrical power has grown more complex over time. It used to be that your kilowatt-hours (kwh) consumed were tallied to arrive at the cost. As the metering has grown more sophisticated, variable rates have emerged based on peak energy usage, time of day, usage thresholds and more. I connected with Emerson’s Bill Thackston to learn about a meeting he recently attended on energy management information systems…
  • Reducing Demand Charges in Energy Bills

    The cost of electrical power has grown more complex over time. It used to be that your kilowatt-hours (kwh) consumed were tallied to arrive at the cost. As the metering has grown more sophisticated, variable rates have emerged based on peak energy usage, time of day, usage thresholds and more. I connected with Emerson’s Bill Thackston to learn about a meeting he recently attended on energy management information systems…
  • Reducing Demand Charges in Energy Bills

    The cost of electrical power has grown more complex over time. It used to be that your kilowatt-hours (kwh) consumed were tallied to arrive at the cost. As the metering has grown more sophisticated, variable rates have emerged based on peak energy usage, time of day, usage thresholds and more. I connected with Emerson’s Bill Thackston to learn about a meeting he recently attended on energy management information systems…
  • Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute

    Process manufacturers and producers are under constant pressure to improve performance to remain competitive and maintain ongoing profitability. Technology can help play a large role in increasing performance through reliability, production availability, energy and emissions reductions, improved safety and security, and overall production optimization. Advancements in technologies and work processes not only come from…
  • Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute

    Process manufacturers and producers are under constant pressure to improve performance to remain competitive and maintain ongoing profitability. Technology can help play a large role in increasing performance through reliability, production availability, energy and emissions reductions, improved safety and security, and overall production optimization. Advancements in technologies and work processes not only come from…
  • Energy Management-Plan Do Check Act

    Plan. Do. Check. Act. From Wikipedia : PDCA ( plan–do–check–act or plan–do–check–adjust ) is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continual improvement of processes and products. It is also known as the Deming circle/cycle/wheel , Shewhart cycle , control circle/cycle , or plan–do–study–act ( PDSA ). The ISO 50001:2011 global energy management standard , modeled after…