1. The depletion in pressure and flow rate; will ALL wells in one location/cluster follows the same trend or it varies. Looking at disconnection on the shale reservoir porosities rather less permeability, I presume that the depletion rate varies from well to well.
2. It is understood that the wells depletes faster and the production will drop significantly with an year or so.
a. Will there be any re-fracturing on the same well to ramp up the production?
b. Within how many years will the wells be abandoned - typically?
3. What are the current practices in well testing?
a. Frequency at which these are conducted?
b. Are these conducted at the well head or at the gathering stations?
c. What units are they using – test separator or ?
4. What would be a typical field layout? Do they follow well clusters or?
5. Is there a typical PID of the gathering stations that can be shared?
6. Is there a field/site plan that shows the well spread that can be shared?
In reply to Dew Divakaran:
1. SJ - You are correct depletion rate varies from well to well. For two reason: they have different porosity depends on fracking and also how well is operated (full open versus controlled way).
2. a. Will there be any re-fracturing on the same well to ramp up the production?
SJ - Very common in shale
SJ - I don't have a number. I have seen wells producing 15bbl/day are running since infrastructure exists.
3. a. Frequency at which these are conducted? - SJ very often (6,12 hr tests)
b. Are these conducted at the well head or at the gathering stations? -SJ - both (few operators do it on well and few at the processing facility)
c. SJ - Test Seprators
4. SJ - explain more they normally drill wells near to each other
5. Is there a typical PID of the gathering stations that someone can share? SJ - I can send one.
6. Is there a field/site plan that someone can share, which shows the well spread.
SJ - I will try.